Monthly Newsletter
UF Innovate Pathways
UF Innovate | Pathways serves to empower innovators with training and resources to support innovation and commercialization at UF. Whether you are a faculty member, postdoctoral associate, staff, or student, take advantage of these programs to enhance your knowledge and advance your ideas to market. This monthly newsletter is a chance for you to review upcoming events and easily register for them.
All for You!
Commercialization Training and Support Resources
UF Innovate | Pathways serves to empower innovators with training and resources to support innovation and commercialization at UF. Whether you are a faculty member, postdoctoral associate, staff, or student, take advantage of these programs to enhance your knowledge and advance your ideas to market. Looking for training, funding support, competitions, or challenges? This is the place.
Community Calendar for Entrepreneurs
Gainesville Startup Community
Learn more about upcoming programs and events of interest to entrepreneurs. If you’re hosting an event, you can submit an event to add to the calendar.
Office of Technology Licensing
More UF Resources
UF Innovate | Tech Licensing works with innovators, entrepreneurs, investors and industry partners to maximize the potential of University of Florida innovations through commercialization for the global good. Founded in 1985, Tech Licensing receives more than 300 invention disclosures, executes more than 100 commercial transactions and launches nearly 20 companies each year. In 2017, the Milken Institute ranked the University of Florida third in the nation for its tech commercialization efforts.
With the benefit of UF Innovate’s two business incubators and its Ventures organization, Tech Licensing connects researchers with investors and industry to lead them through the commercialization process.
Be sure to check the Events web page for information about seminars and workshops about building professional skills important for the tech transfer and entrepreneurship career pathway.