Certificate Program Offered by the UF Office of Faculty Development & Teaching Excellence
The Office of Faculty Development & Teaching Excellence is kicking off a new certificate program this fall called Passport to Great Teaching. Earn “travel miles” by participating in workshops, conferences, faculty learning communities and much more. Receive badges after traveling 400 miles in a specific category and your certificate after traveling 1,000 miles. This program is available to faculty, postdocs, and graduate students.
Scroll to the bottom of the Events and Workshops page for a calendar of upcoming events by month, and registration information. Events are also listed on the GradDev calendar.
Sample Topics:
- Aligning Assessments to Objectives
- Design & Facilitation of Online Discussions
- Effective Feedback
- Technology to Captivate Students
- Getting Hired: Navigating the Academic Job Market
- Flipping Your Classroom With Team-Based Learning (TBL)
- Best Practices for Group Work in E-Learning
Be sure to check the Events web page for information about seminars and workshops about building teaching and other skills important for the academic career pathway.
GMS 7950, Fundamentals of Biomedical Science Education
- 2 credits, Fall 2025
- Day & time TBA
- Course Director: Wayne T. McCormack, PhD
This course is offered every other year during the Fall semester. Biomedical scientists are trained during graduate school and postdoctoral studies to be researchers. However, those who pursue academic career tracks are also expected to teach, and are often not well prepared for this faculty assignment. This elective course provides an overview of educational issues faced by biomedical scientists teaching at the undergraduate, graduate, and/or professional level.
The goal of the course is to familiarize biomedical science graduate students interested in pursuing academic career tracks with techniques that are the most relevant for beginning teachers, e.g. teaching skills & strategies and the underlying theory of learning and teaching. The course will use a variety of teaching formats modeling teaching behaviors, and will provide practical guidelines for a variety of teaching skills.
For more information, please see: https://mccormacklab.pathology.ufl.edu/teaching/education/
To register for this course, please contact Christian A. Rodriguez.