GMS 7950, Fundamentals of Biomedical Science Education
Overview of educational issues faced by biomedical scientists teaching at the undergraduate, graduate, and/or professional level. Practical guidelines most relevant for beginning biomedical science educators, e.g. teaching skills & strategies and the underlying theory of learning & teaching. (Odd numbered years only)
UF Graduate School & POSTDOC OFFICE
Preparing Future Faculty
The UF Graduate School, UF Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, and the UF Center for Teaching Excellence offer the Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) Program, which meets in person during some semesters, and online during other semesters.
This program covers important aspects of being a successful faculty member, faculty expectations at different kinds of institutions, and effective teaching and learning methods. It will involve weekly meetings, assignments, and a mentoring component. It will not address developing job application materials or interviewing for faculty jobs.
This program is open to graduate students and postdocs from any UF department. Participants are chosen on a competitive basis.
Questions? Email Dr. Talline Martins, Director of the UF Office of Graduate Professional Development, at tmartins@ufl.edu
UF Center for Teaching Excellence
Passport to Great Teaching
Passport to Great Teaching is a professional development program that lets you choose which path to travel as you earn teaching certificates. To earn a certificate, attend “core” activities and then complete several “electives” like:
* Conferences
* Workshops
* Faculty Learning Communities
* Teaching Beyond the Podium Podcast Activities
UF faculty, staff, TAs, post-docs, and graduate students are all welcome to participate. Your certificates can be added to your teaching portfolio, CV or LinkedIn profile.