Mentoring Tools
Aligning Expectations Questionnaire
Aligning expectations and goals is a constant theme in the literature on mentoring relationships. Discussion of expectations can greatly increase the likelihood of a productive collaboration and minimize conflicts.
Mentoring Tools
Compact Between Postdoctoral Appointees and Their Mentors
This mentoring agreement presents guiding principles intended to support the development of positive mentoring relationships between postdoctoral appointees and their mentors. A successful mentee-mentor relationship requires commitment from the postdoctoral appointee, mentor, and institution.
Mentoring Tools
Compact Between Biomedical Graduate Students and Their Research Advisors
The mentoring agreement presents guiding principles intended to support the development of positive mentoring relationships between predoctoral students and their research advisors. A successful student-mentor relationship requires commitment from the student, mentor, graduate program, and institution.
iBio Offers New Course on Building Research Community
iBiology Courses is offering a free, five-module course “Build Your Research Community” that will guide aspiring and current graduate students in biological research through the steps of identifying mentors and building and maintaining mentoring relationships. Throughout the course, scientists from a variety of backgrounds give concrete steps and strategies to build a mentoring network. Enrollment is open and is self-paced. The course ends May 31, 2024.