Learn – Discover – Lead

Second Fridays of each month, 12:00pm – 1:00 pm, through Zoom

The “Learn – Discover – Lead” seminar series is designed to provide practical advice for PhD and dual degree scientists, who will be managing and leading research teams of their own.  The target audience is graduate students, combined degree students, postdoctoral research trainees, and junior faculty, but everyone who may benefit from these seminars is welcome to attend!

You must register to receive the Zoom link.


DateTitlePresenterCategoryRecording/Registration Link
September 13, 2024Collaboration Plans: A Secret to Success for CollaborationWayne T. McCormack, PhD,
Professor, Pathology, Immunology and Laboratory Medicine, COM
Director, Office of Biomedical Research Career Development
October 11, 2024Elements of Trust & How They Help CommunicationKevin M. Folta, PhD
Professor, Horticultural Sciences, CALS
November 8, 2024Finding Your Dream Postdoctoral PositionBrittany Hollister, PhD
Director, Postdoctoral Affairs and Prestigious Awards, UF Graduate School
Job SearchingRecording
December 13, 2024Aligning Expectations for MentoringRoger Fillingim, PhD
Professor, Community Dentistry and Behavioral Science, Dentistry
Director, UF Mentor Academy
January 10, 2025The Ins and Outs of Peer Review – What You Really Need to KnowBruce A. Goldberger, PhD
Clinical Professor, Pathology, Immunology and Laboratory Medicine/Psychiatry, COM
Research ManagementRecording
February 14, 2025The Benefits of Promoting Professional Identity Development in AcademiaJonathan Orsini, PhD
Director of Operations, UF-Jacksonville
Personal GrowthRegister
March 14, 2025Getting Published & Increasing Your VisibilityLinda B Cottler, PhD, MPH, FACE
Dean's Professor of Epidemiology, PHHP, COM
April 11, 2025Time ManagementTalline Martins, PhD
Director, Office of Graduate Professional Development
Research ManagementRegister
May 9, 2025TBD
June 13, 2025TBD

Archived Presentations

DatePresentation TitlePresenter NameRecording Link
The Art (and Science) of Writing Effective Multiple Choice QuestionsPatrick Duff, MD, Associate Dean for Student Affairs, College of Medicine
Effective Science Communication in the Internet AgeKevin Folta, PhD, Professor, Horticultural Sciences, IFAS
Project ManagementJenny Seitz, MEd, Training System Administrator, UF Training & Organizational Development
Team Dynamics and Leading Teams
Wayne T. McCormack, PhD, Director, Office of Biomedical Research Career Development
Mentoring Across DiversityJeremy A. Magruder Waisome, PhD, iAAMCS Project Manager, UF Dept. of Computer & Information Science & Engineering
Leadership in ScienceJulie A. Johnson, Pharm.D., Dean and Distinguished Professor, College of Pharmacy, University of Florida
Intellectual Property – Where Science Meets BusinessAnita Rao, MS, MBA
Assistant Director,
UF Innovate Tech Licensing;
Jeffrey D. Hsi, PhD, JD, Shareholder, Pharmaceutical Group from the Intellectual Property Law Firm o Wolf, Greenfield & Sacks, P.C.
4/10/2020Communication and Conflict
Jade Williams, PhD, Lecturer, UF Dial Center for Written and Oral CommunicationRecording
University Structure & Planning for PromotionMark Segal, M.D., Ph.D. , Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development
Collaboration Plans: A Secret to Success for CollaborationWayne T. McCormack, PhD, Director, Office of Biomedical Research Career Development
9/9/2022Teaching as ScholarshipWayne T. McCormack, PhD, Director, Office of Biomedical Research Career Development
10/14/2022Win at DICE (Diversity and Inclusivity Creates Excellence)Tiffany Danielle Pineda, Assistant Director, Clinical ResearchRecording
11/4/2022Making Messages Stick With Your AudienceDennis McCarty, PhD, Assistant Instructional Professor, Dial Center for Written and Oral CommunicationPresentation
12/9/2022Aligning Expectations for MentoringRoger Fillingim, PhD, Professor, Department of Community Dentistry and Behavioral Science, UF Mentor Academy DirectorRecording
1/13/2023Getting Published & Increasing Your Visibility
Linda Cottler, PhD, Professor, Dept. of Epidemiology, Associate Dean for Research & Planning, College of Public Health and Health ProfessionsRecording
2/10/2023Introduction to the Science of Team ScienceWayne T. McCormack, PhD, Director, Office of Biomedical Research Career DevelopmentRecording
3/10/2023Communicating Science to Diverse AudiencesCarrie Miller, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Public Relations/STEM Translational Communication Center, College of Journalism and CommunicationsRecording

4/14/2023Obtaining and Negotiating a Faculty PositionL. Jeannine Brady, PhD, Professor, Dept. of Oral Biology, College of DentistryRecording

5/12/2023Incorporating Adult Learning Principles into InstructionErik W. Black, PhD MPH, Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Education, College of Medicine, Associate Director, HSC Office of Interprofessional EducationRecording
9/8/2023Embracing and Leading ChangeWayne T. McCormack, PhD,
Director, Office of Biomedical Research Career Development
12/8/2023Leadership Strategies for Emerging ProfessionalsLindsay Lynch, EdD
Human Development & Organizational Strategies in Education
1/12/2024Project ManagementJennifer Seitz, MEd
HR Systems Administrator, UF Training & Organizational Development
2/9/2024Ethics in the Mentoring Relationship Roger Fillingim, PhD
Professor, Department of Community Dentistry and Behavioral Science, UF Mentor Academy Director
3/8/2024Making Meetings WorkNicole A. Harris, MSIDT
Instructional Designer, UF Training & Organizational Development
4/12/2024Effective Listening SkillsLisa Athearn, PhD,
Assistant Instructional Professor, Dial Center for Written & Oral Communication,
Director, Ambassador Leadership Program
5/10/2024University Structure & Planning for PromotionMark Segal, MD, PhD
Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development
6/14/2024Managing Public Speaking AnxietyDennis McCarty, PhD
Assistant Instructional Professor, Dial Center for Written and Oral Communication